Narozen v Liberci s kořeny z východu. S otcem během školních let procestoval o prázdninách mnoho evropských států autem. Motocykl byl v jeho rodině tabu. Ve 22 letech si pořídil první motocykl, na kterém se vydal na svou první cestu. Otto je nadšený moto jezdec, do budoucna by se chtěl věnovat testům motocyklů, moto vybavení a psaním recenzí.
Born in Liberec, with roots from the east. My father with me during school years traveled on holidays to many European countries. The bike was in my family taboo. In 22 years, I got the first bike and that we went on our first journey. I am excited moto rider in the future I would like to dedicate testing motorcycles, moto equipment and writing reviews.
Born in Liberec, with roots from the east. My father with me during school years traveled on holidays to many European countries. The bike was in my family taboo. In 22 years, I got the first bike and that we went on our first journey. I am excited moto rider in the future I would like to dedicate testing motorcycles, moto equipment and writing reviews.
Mladá jednadevadesátka, kterou baví social media, marketing, youtubování, adrenalin a cestování na skútru. Jako malá ani jako velká toho moc neprocestovala. Do svých 21 let byla cestováním nepolíbená. Poprvé vycestovala sama do Londýna, kde žila půl roku. Má ráda krásné věci kolem sebe a nemá ráda díry na silnicích.
Young ninety one, who enjoys social media, marketing, "youtubing", adrenalin and traveling on a scooter. By the age of 21 I was unkissed by traveling. For the first time I traveled alone to London, where I lived for half a year. I like beautiful things around myself and does not like holes on the roads.
Young ninety one, who enjoys social media, marketing, "youtubing", adrenalin and traveling on a scooter. By the age of 21 I was unkissed by traveling. For the first time I traveled alone to London, where I lived for half a year. I like beautiful things around myself and does not like holes on the roads.
History of journeys/Historie cest
2015 - EXPO Milano (DE, FL, CH, IT, AT)
2015 - Elefantentreffen 2015 (Bavarian forrest)
2014 - Balkan peninsula/Balkán (SK, HU, SRB, MK, AL, MNE, HR, BIH)
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