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Lehký odpočinek / Stop to rest |
We were testing Heidenau tires near to the ski resort Ještěd. Parking was full to burst and while many of you enjoyed the snowy plains of slopes, we went to do some footage and photos.
Prvních několik metrů u domu jsme vyjížděli po sněhu velice opatrně. Zdolali jsme štěrk, pár kanálů , které Dagmar miluje a do cesty nám přišel i sníh.
The first few meters around the house we left on snow very carefully. We climbed on gravel, passed few channels which Dagmar loves and in the way we came through the snow.
The first few meters around the house we left on snow very carefully. We climbed on gravel, passed few channels which Dagmar loves and in the way we came through the snow.
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V akci / In action |
S pneumatikama, které mají typové označení K66 M+S, jsem za necelých 200 km velice spokojený. Není jim co vytknout. Jsou měkké, drží za mokra i za sněhu. Přilnavost v zatáčkách je skvělá, s ohledem na počasí, okolní teplotu a vítr.
With a tire that have the type designation K66 M+S, with less than 200 km I am very satisfied. There is nothing to criticize them. They are soft, keeps you on wet and snow. Grip on cornering is great, considering the weather, ambient temperature and wind.
Neměl jsem jediný problém, dokonce ani když jsem prudce brzdil.
With a tire that have the type designation K66 M+S, with less than 200 km I am very satisfied. There is nothing to criticize them. They are soft, keeps you on wet and snow. Grip on cornering is great, considering the weather, ambient temperature and wind.
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Brždění / Braking |
Tyto pneumatiky bych ohodnotil pěti hvězdičkami z pěti. Samozřejmě je porovnávám s originálními IRC SS-560, kterým bych dal dvě z pěti.
I haven't had a single problem, even when I braked sharply.
These tires I am rating five stars out of five. Of course I am comparing it with the original IRC SS-560, which would put two of the five.
IRC SS560 R D (zadní pneumatika)
I haven't had a single problem, even when I braked sharply.
These tires I am rating five stars out of five. Of course I am comparing it with the original IRC SS-560, which would put two of the five.
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Na sněhu / On snow |
Staré pneumatiky / Old tires |
IRC SS560 R D (zadní pneumatika)
- najeto 17 000 km - opravdu spousta kilometrů
- 90% najetých kilometrů bylo ve dvou
- horší přilnavost za deště, kde velmi často zadní kolo "tancovalo"
IRC SS-560 F (přední pneumatika)
- přední pneumatika má na 17 000 km ještě stále 2,5 mm vzorku
- nechávám si ji jako rezervu
Pneumatiky IRC jsme měli možnost i několikrát otestovat mimo zpevněné vozovky a neměli jsme jediný problém.
IRC SS560 R D (rear tire)
- mileage 17,000 km - really a lot of kilometers
- 90% mileage was in two
- worse grip in the rain, where very often the rear wheel "danced"
IRC SS-560 F (front tire)
- front tire has a 17,000 km still 2.5 mm sample
- I keep it as a reserve
We had the opportunity to test IRC tires several times outside the paved road and we didn't have a single problem.
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Zrychlování / Accelerating |
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