Nastala zima a mnozí z vás uklidili své miláčky pod plachtu do kouta garáže.
My jsme jezdili do prvních mrazů, když silnice byly mokré a kluzké, museli jsme zvolit alternativní dopravu.
We have been riding till the first frosts, when roads were wet and slippery, we had to choose alternative transportation.
As a more expensive way, we sometimes chose Škoda Superb. Even after 15 km, engine is still cold and consumption didn't fall below 10 liters.
Další varianta byla “socka”, kterou z čista duše oba nenávidíme. Na vlak to mám 5 minut chůze /dojíždím do práce do sousedního města/ a Dáša je pěšky v práci za 15 minut.
Když se oteplilo nebo silnice byly mrazem vysušené, opět jsme osedlali našeho skútříka. Ti co seděli v autě s klimatizací na max, si určitě říkali, že ty dva na tom bonbónu jsou buď padlí na hlavu nebo maj papíry na hlavu.
Another variant is public transport which we both purely hate. To trainstation I got 5 min walk. / commute to work to neighboring city / and Dagmar's work is 15 min by walk.
When it got warmer or the roads were freeze-dried, again, we saddled our scooter. Those who were in the car with the air conditioning on max, can certainly say that two on scooter are either stupid or have papers per capita.
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Přední/Front |
We are normal couple, who likes to ride a scooter. In addition, we enjoy it. As we have heard somewhere, "rather freeze 15 minutes on the bike it's better than freeze 10 minutes on bus stop" and it's true. When we got dressed in civilian clothes and go somewhere on foot or we were waiting for the tram, we were colder than when we ride somewhere on a motorcycle.
Protože naše zadní pneumatika se odporoučela do gumového nebe po 17000 km. Pořídili jsme zimní. Ano vyrábí se i na motorku! Na internetu není velký výběr, ale našli jsme pouze jednu pasující a to Heidenau K66 M+S.
Because our rear tire was ushered into the rubber heaven after 17000 km. We purchased winter tyres. Yes it is produced for a motorbike! There isn't big choice on the internet. We found only one which is correct Heidenau K66 M+S.
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Zadní/Rear |
In service put on tyres without any problem. After first few kilometers I felt a lot safer than just on summer. I was not afraid to ride it and I was confident in all respects.
Mohu doporučit těm, kteří jezdí v zimě. Pneumatika má stejné vlastnosti jako zimní u automobilu, takže lépe drží za nižších teplot.
I can recommend to those who ride in the winter. The tire has the same properties as the winter for the car, so a better grip at lower temperatures.
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